S.Giustino and the Tiber Valley

  Dr.Gianpietro Cagnoli


This page is dedicated to different subjects I found interesting.
I make available links, documents or comments of different nature. You can find further information on Gravitational Waves and related subjects in the research or teaching pages.

Do you want a Jumping Joker?
I made it for my children,
take it if you like

Gravitational Waves

FUNNY MOVIE Some students have created a video music on the detection of gravitational waves. I think it's very well made. Enjoy it !!

GW INTRODUCTION Real serious movie on GW detection can be found here; Ray Weiss explains some basics on GW interferometers in this Einstein's Messenger video.

ABOUT LISA LISA is the space borne interferometer designed to detect GW waves in the mHz spectral band. You can find a presentation of it here.


CHANNELS For those who enjoy listening radio, I would recommend the BBC Radio4 and the italian Radio2 and Radio3

PROGRAMS YOU CAN'T MISS !!! This is a list of radio programs that are excellent in many ways, most of them are funny in a very intelligent way, others are very interesting. For foreigners they well represent Italy and I would say the best part of it. You can listen to programs in streaming here


Radio3 Mondo,
Prima pagina,
Caterpillar am (!!!),
Il ruggito del coniglio,
La barcaccia,
Ad alta voce,
Hollywood Party,
Only during the weekends you shuld listen to these ones:
Ovunque6 (fantastic!)
Black out
Miracolo italiano

AMAZING PICTURES here you can find tons of astronomy pictures of high quality from the most powerful observatories in the world

STACKING OF PICTURES If you use a webcam to record images of planets then RegiStax is the program you need to stack all the images of the movie one on top of the other


page last updated: 22/02/2019